Let’s Fix This.

The Bridger claims team is here to help
with our fast & easy reporting process.

Just follow these three simple steps:

  • 1. Provide your information & tell us what happened.
  • 2. Provide any additional information & review.
  • 3. Receive a claims number – an adjuster will contact you.
Report a Claim


If your vehicle is not drivable, you must take all reasonable measures to have your vehicle moved to a safe location. Bridger will NOT be responsible for towing and/or storage charges that are unreasonable, even if we confirm coverage. It is your legal duty to mitigate any expenses related to your loss.

Si su vehículo no se puede conducir, debe tomar todas las medidas razonables para mover su vehículo a un lugar seguro. Bridger NO será responsable de los cargos de remolque y/o almacenamiento que no sean razonables, incluso si confirmamos la cobertura. Es su deber legal mitigar cualquier gasto relacionado con su pérdida.